“My inside is outside, my right side’s on the left side.”
台灣藝術大學 電影研究所碩士
台北電影節 台北主題獎 觀眾票選獎
臺灣國際紀錄片雙年展 觀摩影片
台北電影節 台北主題獎
We愛兩岸青年短片大賽 優秀獎
金穗獎 評審團特別獎
IM兩岸青年影展 最佳導演
“My inside is outside, my right side’s on the left side.”
台灣藝術大學 電影研究所碩士
台北電影節 台北主題獎 觀眾票選獎
臺灣國際紀錄片雙年展 觀摩影片
台北電影節 台北主題獎
We愛兩岸青年短片大賽 優秀獎
金穗獎 評審團特別獎
IM兩岸青年影展 最佳導演
首次平面攝影個展LESS & LESS,2014年於台北展出,記述法國鄉村遊記。
Kao Shih-Wen is a Taiwanese director and photographer.
Born in Taipei City, he started to make films in college.His first film “Mother” was elected as the most popular film in Taipei Image Award of Taipei Film Festival in 2006. At present, he is studying at the Graduate School of Motion Pictures at National Taiwan University of Arts.
He has much experiences of film making and also many international experiences of many different countries like China, France, Latvia, Bulgaria,Italy and so on.
His first photography solo exhibition was in Taipei 2014, showed up the French countryside atmosphere.
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